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Конкурс творческих исследовательских работ «История моей малой родины в истории Саратовского края» [8]
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    Главная » Статьи » Родной край, живи в веках и процветай! » Конкурс творческих исследовательских работ «История моей малой родины в истории Саратовского края»




    This year we are going to celebrate the 80th anniversary of Saratov region. Our region is big enough. What is it famous for? 
    Certainly it’s famous for its people.

    I live in Stepnoe. My native town is a part of Saratov region.
    I’m a student of school number one. I’d like to add, this year is also the anniversary for our school. My school is the place especially dear to me.
    It was founded in 1961. It is the biggest school in our district. A lot of talented teachers work in it. You can see their portraits on the wall stand in the hall. We are proud of them and would like you to know about some of them too. 

    You know that people usually speak, write and make films about their teachers and remember them only on special days, such as the first of September, the 8th of March or Teacher’s Day. I'm sure that's wrong. 
    We must always remember our teachers and be thankful for their work.

    All these reasons prompted me to start the work on the project “Honoured Teachers of my school”. 

    So, my project is devoted to Honoured teachers of my school. 
    The purpose of my work is to learn more about the famous teachers of my school.

    I would like to tell you about Raisa Nicolaevna Kuznetsova and Vera Alekseevna Konanykhina.


    Everyone who comes to our school can see a memorable tablet ‘Russia is famous for its teachers’ on the wall of our school, there you can read ‘from 1954 to 2001’  Raisa Nicolaevna Kuznetsova worked here.

    She was the first Honoured Teacher of Russian Federation in our district. 

    Raisa Nicolaevna was a bright, amazing and talented teacher. 
    She was very fond of children.
    She had been teaching primary school children for 47 years until her tragic death.
    Her lessons were interesting and unforgettable.
    She had a lot of achievement certificates.
    Many years Raisa Nicolaevna headed the methodical association of primary teachers. 
    More then two thousand children were her students, and some of them (M.A. Bredihina and E.V. Malina) had become teachers of our school.

    We will always remember Raisa Nicolaevna and her devotion to education. 
    People know her name and keep it carefully in mind.


    Vera Alekseevna Konanyhinа is the most worthy of  Raisa Nikolaevna’s students. 

    She started her career at our school with Raisa Nikolaevna’s, who was her friend and tutor. 
    Vera Alekseevna is the Honoured Teacher of  Russian Federation. 
    She is the teacher of primary school.
    She has been working at school number one for 37 years.
    Vera Alekseevna is well- known among the people of the Soviet District. 
    She is very talented, creative, clever and disciplined
    Vera Alekseevna is hard working and highly qualified teacher.

    Her lessons are interesting, informative and really unforgettable. Besides she is modest, kind and very communicative.

    Vera Alekseevna pays great attention to extra curricular work with children and their parents. 
    She organizes interesting classes, parties, trips and excursions. 
    Vera Alekseevna is a person of wide emotional range, she feels deeply and joy, sorrow and anxiety.

    In 1997, Vera Alekseevna Konanykhina was the one among the winners 
     of the teachers’ competition of our district.
    Vera Alekseevna shares her experience with the teachers of our district and Saratov region.


    Working on this project I have come to the conclusion that we must talk about the people who teach us a lot of useful things and help us to socialize in modern world. 
    We are the part of our native town and the part of Saratov region. 
    We are a new generation. And we have to know more about those who teach us, about the history of our region, about the history of our native town.
    I’ve just started to collect information about the Honoured teachers of my school and I’ve already looked at the history of my school. 
    I’ve known new facts about the life of the most famous teachers.
    I’m going to continue my work.

    Категория: Конкурс творческих исследовательских работ «История моей малой родины в истории Саратовского края» | Добавил: rrr0901 (07.04.2016)
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